Semi Dedicated Server
Semi Dedicated Server is one solution for your business, you like have a dedicated server, we can handle your semi dedicated server for you.
Why Do you need Semi Dedicated Server?
Semi Dedicated Server because Source and facility of Semi Dedicated Server like Dedicated Server, but You don't need to handle it, We can handle your semi dedicated server, We can handle it for you, Maintenance Server, Update Software, Monitoring, Security Issue, and another issue about maintenance Server.
Why Do you need Semi Dedicated Server?
- Thousands Email
- Website with large visitor
- Website need RAM and CPU high specification
- Your Application like CRM, ERP, etc
Semi Dedicated Server because Source and facility of Semi Dedicated Server like Dedicated Server, but You don't need to handle it, We can handle your semi dedicated server, We can handle it for you, Maintenance Server, Update Software, Monitoring, Security Issue, and another issue about maintenance Server.
Our semi-dedicated servers are intended for those of you who need larger resources for the smoother functioning of your websites. By moving your account to a semi-dedicated server, you can benefit from the opportunity to host unlimited domains, as well as unlimited subdomains, multiple FTP accounts, email addresses, mailing lists and cron jobs.
We will take care of the server configuration and stability, while you will have SSH (Secure Shell) access to perform management operations on your end. Our technical support staff will be at your disposal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need more server resources for your successful online presence, we'd advise you to choose a semi-dedicated server account. Our semi-dedicated servers come with configured operating system and software.
There will be no more than 10 shared hosting accounts on a single server, thus each account could use up to 50 % CPU and up to 130000 MySQL queries per hour.
Our in-house built, multi-lingual Web Hosting Control Panel is included in all semi-dedicated hosting plans. We are especially proud of its user-friendly interface, which makes the management of your account an enjoyable experience! Moreover, the Web Hosting Control Panel is undergoing a constant development and improvement by means of regular updates
We will take care of the server configuration and stability, while you will have SSH (Secure Shell) access to perform management operations on your end. Our technical support staff will be at your disposal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need more server resources for your successful online presence, we'd advise you to choose a semi-dedicated server account. Our semi-dedicated servers come with configured operating system and software.
There will be no more than 10 shared hosting accounts on a single server, thus each account could use up to 50 % CPU and up to 130000 MySQL queries per hour.
Our in-house built, multi-lingual Web Hosting Control Panel is included in all semi-dedicated hosting plans. We are especially proud of its user-friendly interface, which makes the management of your account an enjoyable experience! Moreover, the Web Hosting Control Panel is undergoing a constant development and improvement by means of regular updates
Contact us :
Semi Dedicated Server adalah sebuah solusi bagi Anda yang menginginkan keleluasaan. Yang kami tawarkan adalah true storage yang besar, batasan traffic yang longgar bahkan unlimited, dan jaminan kehandalan layanan yang lebih tinggi. Paket ini sangat sesuai digunakan untuk perusahaan yang memiliki account e-mail ratusan hingga ribuan, website dengan tingkat kunjungan yang tinggi, dan website dengan kebutuhan RAM dan CPU tinggi (misal : sistem informasi perusahaan, CRM, & ERP).
Dinamakan Semi Dedicated Server karena fasilitas yang ditawarkan seperti layaknya memiliki dedicated server sendiri. Namun bedanya, Anda tidak perlu mengelola server tersebut. Kami yang akan mengelolanya sehingga Anda tidak akan dipusingkan dengan maintenance server, update software, monitoring, security issue, Support 24 jam, 7 hari dalam seminggu (setahun penuh) dan pekerjaan - pekerjaan lain yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan server.
Dinamakan Semi Dedicated Server karena fasilitas yang ditawarkan seperti layaknya memiliki dedicated server sendiri. Namun bedanya, Anda tidak perlu mengelola server tersebut. Kami yang akan mengelolanya sehingga Anda tidak akan dipusingkan dengan maintenance server, update software, monitoring, security issue, Support 24 jam, 7 hari dalam seminggu (setahun penuh) dan pekerjaan - pekerjaan lain yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan server.
- Tidak perlu melakukan maintenance server
- Performance yang lebih baik (rasio website per server yang lebih kecil dan terjaga)
- Toleransi beban CPU dan RAM pada server yang lebih longgar
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